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The Project Continues!

In the last few weeks our garden project has gathered pace! The base for the shed is nearly ready for the building to go up, hopefully in a couple of weeks time. There has been a slight set back for my dad who has hurt his finger by bashing it with the mallet when working on the shed! He went to the hospital to have it checked and is now on antibiotics so hopefully it will be better soon! Both my parents have been working really hard to make my dream a reality, and it's great seeing things slowly come together.

Here's the base of the shed! (It's huge!)

The shed or "visitors centre", as we're calling it, is going to be facing the bird feeding station. There are windows at each end as well, so you can see all the wildlife areas. Here's a much more detailed plan of the garden to show you!

A square equals 2' by 2'

Alongside building the shed and planning the pond we have been considering the planting. It was exciting to get some snowdrops and hellebores arrive to plant through the post his week. Snowdrops are unusual bulbs, in that they are best planted "in the green". This means planting them with leaves not as dormant bulbs. The hellebores were bare rooted plants, we potted them up as soon as the came and the have already started to pop out of the soil only a few days later! I can't wait to plant them when we return to the garden next week.

Here's one of my snowdrop images

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